Sales & Finance

Object Matrix -Business Continuity and The Need to Self-Serve

Object Matrix -Business Continuity and The Need to Self-Serve

Now more than ever organisations need their creative staff to be able to self-serve, and have access to content if physical access to their city or building is restricted or blocked. Surprisingly (or not), this level of self-serve capability or business continuity, is not yet possible for many creative organisations that require people and physical access to manually service requests for content.

From over 15 years of listening to the creative community, OM have deduced that this largely comes down to archive content being sat on legacy archive technology (LTO) or in disparate locations. Additionally, it requires people to service access requests. Often those people servicing the request have many skills to offer, but they get bogged down in daily mundane media management tasks that should be automated.

Get in Touch

If you think we can help your creative teams to self-serve, and benefit from implementing Object Matrix innovative solutions please do get in touch

Please call Altered Images on 01932 255 666 for more info.