Media Composer | Ultimate: 2-Year Subscription NEW LICENSE
For new customers who are looking to buy a 2-year Media Composer | Ultimate license
- Access, edit, and share media stored on Avid NEXIS and other MediaCentral managed storage systems, no matter where you or the assets reside
- Find the right clips fast by simply typing a word or phrase with the Media Composer | PhraseFind Option
- Find the best takes in seconds for every line of dialog in a script with the Media Composer | ScriptSync Option
Media Composer | Ultimate: 3-Year Subscription RENEWAL
For those who already have a Media Composer | Ultimate subscription license and are looking to renew for another 3-years.
- Access, edit, and share media stored on Avid NEXIS and other MediaCentral managed storage systems, no matter where you or the assets reside
- Find the right clips fast by simply typing a word or phrase with the Media Composer | PhraseFind Option
- Find the best takes in seconds for every line of dialog in a script with the Media Composer | ScriptSync Option
- ESD Licence , complete the transaction below to receive your license activation code, Please note that all sales on digital products are final
Media Composer | Ultimate 2-Year Subscription RENEWAL
For those who already have a Media Composer | Ultimate subscription license and are looking to renew for another 2-years.
- Access, edit, and share media stored on Avid NEXIS and other MediaCentral managed storage systems, no matter where you or the assets reside
- Find the right clips fast by simply typing a word or phrase with the Media Composer | PhraseFind Option
- Find the best takes in seconds for every line of dialog in a script with the Media Composer | ScriptSync Option
- ESD Licence, complete the transaction below to receive your license activation code, Please note that all sales on digital products are final
Media Composer | Ultimate: 3-Year Subscription NEW LICENSE
For new customers who are looking to buy a 3-year Media Composer | Ultimate license
- Access, edit, and share media stored on Avid NEXIS and other MediaCentral managed storage systems, no matter where you or the assets reside
- Find the right clips fast by simply typing a word or phrase with the Media Composer | PhraseFind Option
- Find the best takes in seconds for every line of dialog in a script with the Media Composer | ScriptSync Option
- ESD Licence , complete the transaction below to receive your license activation code, Please note that all sales on digital products are final
Avid Media Composer Z4 starter kit
Media Composer: 1-Year Subscription NEW LICENSE
For those who are looking for a 1-year Media Composer license without bin/project sharing, MediaCentral integration, and other collaborative workflows
- The same editorial tools as Media Composer | Ultimate starting at a new lower cost
- Options such as Media Composer | PhraseFind, ScriptSync, Symphony, and NewsCutter are available as add-on subscriptions
- ESD Licence , complete the transaction below to receive your license activation code, Please note that all sales on digital products are final
- Avid only sell this product directly from there web store. But please speak to us about support and peripherals for your Avid Media Composer system
Avid Media Composer MAC ALBA Keyboard
Media Composer | ScriptSync AI 1-Year Subscription NEW
This is a Media Composer ScriptSync AI Option, 1-Year Subscription, NEW, for Media Composer Subscriptions or MC Perpetual licenses.
- Work faster and easier with new features -With the more powerful phonetic indexing engine, you can now match all clips to your script faster than before.
- Save hours of time - Forget having to spend countless hours manually triaging dailies and aligning media with the script text. ScriptSync automatically handles all of this for you
- Shipping - electronic download
- ESD Licence, complete transaction below to receive Activation code. Please note that all sales on digital products are final.
Media Composer Media Composer | PhraseFind AI Option
This is a Media Composer PhraseFind AI Option 1-Year Subscription NEW, for Media Composer and MC Perpetual licenses.
- Work faster and easier with new features - With the more powerful phonetic indexing engine, PhraseFind can now catalog volumes of dialog-driven media and deliver search results faster than ever before
- Find the right clips fast - Eliminate the need to review, log, and triage hundreds of hours of footage to find what you’re looking for. With superfast indexing, PhraseFind does the “listening” work for you and then locates all relevant clip
- Shipping - electronic download
Media Composer: 1-Year Subscription RENEWAL LICENSE
For those who are looking to RENEW a 1-year Media Composer license without bin/project sharing, MediaCentral integration, and other collaborative workflows
- The same editorial tools as Media Composer | Ultimate starting at a new lower cost
- Options such as Media Composer | PhraseFind, ScriptSync, Symphony, and NewsCutter are available as add-on subscriptions
- ESD Licence , complete the transaction below to receive your license activation code, Please note that all sales on digital products are final
- Must be ordered and activated before the current licence expires (If your current licence has already expired, please order a NEW licence)
Media Composer: Perpetual License – Standard Support Plan RENEWAL
For Media Composer Perpetual license users who want to reinstate support * & software updates for a further year.
- Media Composer software updates for one year (via your Avid Master Account)
- One year's unlimited web support with a 24-48-hour response time
- ESD Licence , complete the transaction below to receive your license activation code, Please note that all sales on digital products are final.
- * Recently expired is considered to be less than 30 days . If your contract has expired its best to call us to discuss options. Subscription or Cross-grade options can be a better alternative for expired licences.
Media Composer Symphony Option 1- Year Subscription NEW
This is a Symphony Option for Media Composer or MC Perpetual licenses.
- Full color grading - Get the look you want with advanced, secondary, and relational color tools, plus NaturalMatch
- Powerful mastering - Take your offline online and directly export high-resolution masters.
- Precision control - Fine-tune shots with animatable color correction, plus support for 4:4:4 HD-RGB processing.
- Universal Mastering - Get real-time format and frame-rate conversion on output and playback by adding Avid Artist | DNxIQ to your workflow