Haivision is a leading global provider of mission-critical, real-time video networking and visual collaboration solutions.
Haivision’s connected cloud and intelligent edge technologies enable organizations globally to engage audiences, enhance collaboration, and support decision-making.
Awarded multiple Emmys® for Technology and Engineering from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Haivision continues to fuel the future of IP video transformation.
Founded in 2004, Haivision is headquartered in Montreal and Chicago with offices, sales, and support located throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
Get Low Latency Live Video from Remote Locations to Broadcast Centers for Production
Growing demand for more live and local coverage is presenting new challenges for today’s broadcasters. Internet-based video transport offers a flexible and cost-effective alternative for sending video used in remote workflows and news gathering to broadcast centers. Haivision’s Makito X4 4K video encoder sends high quality, ultra low latency streams over any type of network and condition, including LTE wireless networks, public internet and satellite links affected by weather.
Originally developed and pioneered by Haivision, SRT stands for Secure Reliable Transport. SRT is an open source video transport protocol and technology stack that optimizes video streaming performance across unpredictable networks. With secure streams and simplified firewall traversal, SRT delivers the best quality video over the worst networks.